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Welcome to Young & Mighty, a social enterprise with a mission to nurture children's mental health.

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Dr. Gail Sinitsky, Counselling Psychologist

HCPC Registered; BPS Chartered 


Hello and welcome! I'm Dr Gail Sinitsky, a child counselling psychologist and mum of two young children. I am passionate about and dedicated to promoting children’s emotional and social well-being. I have worked in this field for over 15 years, across schools, charities and NHS clinics, and I currently work part-time in a local child and adolescent mental health service. Bringing together all my experiences and skills, I founded Young & Mighty in June 2020 with the realisation that there is still so much more that needs to be done to nurture positive mental health from a young age. 


In today’s world, we all know how easy it is to feel overwhelmed by the multitude of challenges facing us: from social media overload and its associated problems, to poverty, racism and other undeniable inequalities. Climate change fears, the economic and social impact of the pandemic, and painfully underfunded public services. 


We live in a beautiful world, but one in which there are many issues that contribute to growing mental health difficulties. Children today are growing up in this context, and as a parent and child psychologist, it can at times feel overwhelming. 


Young & Mighty was born out of my belief that investing early in children’s mental health has the power to create meaningful changes in the lives of children, families and communities. We believe this is an important part of a social and global ripple effect and that it will help to create whole communities built on values of integrity, difference and kindness. 


Young & Mighty is a social business that aims to pro-actively nurture and build emotional literacy, social connectedness, and compassion and kindness. We want to help children become their most 'mighty' selves, so that they can thrive as they grow, even in the face of inevitable challenges. We want children to grow up with a sense of self-worth, to feel the strength in being connected to others, and to experience the transformative power of kindness and compassion. We want children to have the tools to deal with their own difficulties and also to harness the qualities and skills that it takes to make a difference to those around them.


Find out more about our first product, Mighty Cards


Check back soon for information about our group programmes. 


Get in touch! We’d love to hear from you, whether you want to share your feedback or ideas, or if you have any questions, or you’d like to chat about how we can collaborate. 

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